
The TextielLab has two computer-controlled SWF embroidery machines for applying decorative stitches to a wide variety of fabrics. The machines can also embroider less common materials, such as paper, plastic, wood and water-soluble foil.

Embroidery is the art of applying decorative stitches to fabrics or products in one or more colours. The product developer will convert your digital design into an embroidery file. You can choose from various stitches and yarn types. You can also create texture using raised embroidery and experiment with your own materials.

Embroidery machines
The TextielLab has two computer-controlled SWF embroidery machines. These have a working surface of 50 x 34 cm, but you can embroider larger areas by feeding the fabric through the machine and connecting different parts of the design. The machine has 15 needles, allowing you to work with up to 15 colours simultaneously. We use the ApS-Ethos development software.

Photo: Tommy de Lange

Working in the TextielLab
Would you like to work in our embroidery department? Click ‘Submit request’ to send us a proposal with a clear description of the project. The project must relate to interior design, art or fashion. We will assess the proposal on motivation, innovation and artistry. If there is a match, we will invite you for an intake interview to determine whether the project is feasible. After the interview, we will send you a work plan and quote. Once you approve this, we will schedule the development of your project. For the best result, we recommend that you are in the lab as much as possible during the development phase.

The cost of developing a project in the embroidery department depends on several factors that vary for each project. These include the number of development days, the materials used and whether any assembly is required. The full rate for a development day is approximately €400 (incl. standard viscose rayon embroidery thread, excl. VAT). 

Thanks to a subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Province of Noord-Brabant and the City of Tilburg, the lab can reimburse a part of the development costs.

After the intake interview, the lab team will determine how many development days are needed to realise the project. Additional fees will be charged for materials, assembly and any other costs incurred. After the intake interview, the lab will send you a final quote.

Photo: Willeke Machiels
Photo: Tommy de Lange
Photo: Josefina Eikenaar

How to submit a design

Once we have accepted the project and scheduled the development days, we will ask you to submit your design. You will need to supply your own embroidery materials.

  • Submit the design as an Illustrator, Photoshop or JPEG file.
  • Bring with you the material you want to embroider as well as extra material to experiment with. If you need advice, you can always ask our embroidery expert.